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My Works-in-Progress

Writer's picture: wandadeglanewandadeglane

Updated: Aug 21, 2022

I wanted to keep a list of all the projects I'm working on or planning to work on soon. My brain is always teeming with ideas on what to write about next, so much so that I'm usually too overwhelmed to sit down and actually write. It's going to be a slow process. I think a huge part of who I am is in creating and bringing my ideas to life. When I was younger, I'd abandon huge ideas for novels or other projects that I loved because they just didn't happen fast enough. I'm hoping that I can stay passionate for all the things I want to accomplish, that I can teach myself to be more patient and see each individual project to fruition, or at the least just keep myself busy enough with each idea so I don't abandon anything in the works. And in a way I think I also need to remind myself that I'm working really hard and accomplishing a lot, and that I can feel proud of myself or even, I don't know, give myself a break one of these days.

So without further ado, here's everything I've been working on or wanting to work on!

1. a collection of love poems for my ex-partner. COMPLETED- 12/28/2017- Peach-Faced Lovebirds.

2. a collection of poems based on my experiences with trauma and mental illness, and my healing process. PUBLISHED- 5/9/2018- Rainlily.

3. a collection of poems about my struggle to find my own self-worth, and coming to terms and dealing with depression day-to-day. PUBLISHED- 2/19/2019- Lady Saturn- Rhythm & Bones Press.

(UPDATE: manuscript accepted 8/28/2018).

(UPDATE I was never expecting to make. Unfortunately due to recent events I have had to pull Lady Saturn from Rhythm & Bones. I am looking into self-publishing it, and this will be done at a later date. 6/7/2020)

(UPDATE: After wrestling with myself for months, I decided to publish the second edition of Lady Saturn myself! The new edition is currently available on Amazon and on Payhip as a pdf.)

4. a collection of poems about building a romantic relationship after trauma. SCRAPPED- Sugar Weather.

(UPDATE: titled 7/18/2018)

(UPDATE: finished manuscript 7/23/2018)

(UPDATE: manuscript accepted 10/19/2018)

(UPDATE: in early December 2018, Vessel Press unexpectedly shut down. hunting for a new home for this chapbook now!)

(UPDATE: Finishing Line Press accepted this in March, 2019)

(UPDATE: Finishing Line never really got back to me about this one! Which turned out to be a good thing because the relationship this chapbook was about ended. Months later, I reread this manuscript and was honestly shocked. That whole relationship, I was manipulated into thinking that I was not good enough for my partner, that I was a selfish and horrible person and nothing he did wrong mattered because I just wasn't good enough. Much of the poems in this book reflect that line of thinking, and I didn't even recognize it at the time I wrote them. I don't believe that anymore and I'm not keen on putting out those kinds of ideas. Unfortunately, Sugar Weather has thus been scrapped. In order to make it work I'd have to rework and rewrite a vast majority of it, and I'm not sure if I even want to. 6/7/2020)

5. a collection of poems about womanhood, bodies, and sexuality. PUBLISHED- 5/26/2020- Venus in Bloom- Porkbelly Press.

(UPDATE: finished manuscript 7/1/2018).

(UPDATE: manuscript accepted 7/16/2018).

6. a collection of dreams (poetry and prose). FINISHED AND ACCEPTED BY APEP PUBLICATIONS- Day Residue.

(UPDATE: finished and titled manuscript 7/29/2018).

(UPDATE: this baby finally found a home in June 2019).

(UPDATE: sooo, APEP Publications ended up shutting down without warning! After reworking some of this book and giving it a new title, I think I'm going to self-publish it. 8/2022).

7. a collection of list poems. PUBLISHED- 6/06/2019- Honey-Laced Garbage Dreams- Ghost City Press (Summer 2019 Microchapbook Series).

(UPDATE: paired poems with tiny collages 8/4/2018).

(UPDATE: finished manuscript 10/5/2018)

(UPDATE: titled manuscript 10/10/2018)

(UPDATE: accepted by Ghost City Press in April 2019).

a. a tiny micro-chapbook based on one of the poems originally in Honey-Laced Garbage Dreams. PUBLISHED BY POST GHOST PRESS- 10/23/2018- Things That Will Happen After the End of the World No One Will Be Around to Witness.

(UPDATE: second print run published 12/18/2018)

8. a collection of poems about family and heritage. IN PROGRESS- [not yet named]. (this is one that probably won't happen for a while, which I've explained in a previous post.)

(UPDATE: started January of 2019)

9. mini zines and magazine collages based on poems I've written. COMPLETED SOME- "Sunlight," "In My Defense," and "There's Something Here." (I've taken a break from doing these as they take quite a bit of time and materials and I've been focused on summer classes and writing above all else. I plan to continue whenever I feel like I can, basically.)

10. mini paintings based on poems I've written. NOT STARTED YET. (I haven't really been in the right mind frame or emotional state to paint? idk, it takes more out of me to actually muster up enough motivation to paint than to actually paint.)

11. a collection of poems about growing up, learning from society/my family/my peers how to do girlhood, realizing my sexuality, my first experiences with boys, etc. PUBLISHED- 8/22/2019- Bittersweet- Vegetarian Alcoholic Press.

(UPDATE: added 6/25/2018)

(UPDATE- started compiling 8/30/2018).

(UPDATE- finished, titled, and submitted on 11/26/2018).

(UPDATE- accepted on December 25, 2018)

12. a collection about being bisexual. IN PROGRESS- [not yet named]. (just like the family one, this one may not happen for a long time, but it definitely will at some point.)

(UPDATE: added 6/26/2018)

(UPDATE: started sometime in late 2018)

13. a collection of one poem (or more) for every month. FINISHED AND SUBMITTED- TENDER PERENNIAL.

(UPDATE: added 7/24/2018)

(UPDATE: finished June of 2019).

14. a collection about my parents/childhood trauma. SCRAPPED- What Becomes of This Bruising. (I haven't officially started this collection but I have plenty of poems written about this topic that I know will eventually make it into this book.)

(UPDATE: added 7/24/2018)

(UPDATE: started to compile on 8/1/2018)

(UPDATE: titled manuscript on 10/10/2018)

(UPDATE: finished and submitted manuscript on 10/12/2018)

(UPDATE: not really sure what to do with this one anymore. I've been thinking about the possible harm that would come out of publishing these poems. I'm honestly scared. If I publish this, it'd have to be under a different name. For now, I am leaving it alone. 6/7/2020)

(UPDATE: finally reread this manuscript and it is honestly so deeply traumatic and painful and horrifying that I don't want it to ever see the light of day. So it's been scrapped :/ 8/2022).

15. a collection about religion, my beliefs and how they came to be. NOT STARTED YET- [not yet named].

(UPDATE: added 7/24/2018)

16. a collection about living in Arizona/the desert. IN PROGRESS (KINDA)- [not yet named].

(UPDATE: in progress since summer 2019).

17. a collection of memories. NOT YET STARTED- [not yet named].

(UPDATE: added 10/6/2018)

18. a collection of poems about anxiety and how it effects my day-to-day life. PUBLISHED - 05/11/2021- MELANCHOLIA - Vegetarian Alcoholic Press.

(UPDATE: added 10/6/2018)

(UPDATE: stared compiling on 11/7/2018).

(UPDATE: finished July of 2019. this turned into something of a sequel to Lady Saturn, more focused on the negative aspects of depression and antidepressants.)

(UPDATE: Vegetarian Alcoholic Press accepted this one and published it in May of 2021. I am so beyond proud of this book, probably some of my best. 8/2022).

19. a collection of poems about animals. IN PROGRESS- [not named yet].

(UPDATE: added 10/6/2018)

(UPDATE: kind of turned into a collection of poems about endangered animals in particular).

20. a collection about feminism and women's rights. PUBLISHED - 07/31/2020- PULP - Maverick Duck Press.

(UPDATE: added 10/6/2018)

(UPDATE: stared compiling on 11/7/2018).

(UPDATE: finished in August of 2019. not just about women's rights but various issues surrounding the body.)

21. a collection about my relationship with my mother. NOT YET STARTED- [not named yet].

(UPDATE: added 10/6/2018)

22. a collection about my relationship with my father. NOT YET STARTED- [not named yet].

(UPDATE: added 10/6/2018)

(UPDATE: I'm starting to write more about this..might start compiling soon)

23. a collection of poems based on pieces of art. NOT YET STARTED- [not named yet].

(UPDATE: added 10/6/2018)

24. a collection of poems for each color. IN PROGRESS- [not named yet].

(UPDATE: added 11/29/2018)

(UPDATE: started in January of 2019)

25. a microchapbook about angsty, failed love. :-) PUBLISHED- 2/15/2020- passionfruit.

(this one kinda came out of nowhere. finished May of 2019 and likely will self-publish next year when I don't have so many projects about to come out. maybe a lil Valentine's Day treat?)

26. a collection of list poems + photography. PUBLISHED - 7/14/2020 - penumbra - Ghost City Press.

This one was kind of supposed to be the sequel to Honey-Laced Garbage Dreams… it ended up being one list poem only I think? and the rest are just little misfits I've written over the past year or so that I'm proud of but didn't really belong anywhere else. anyway!! forthcoming on 7/14!! (update 6/8/2020)

27. a collection about my childhood. NOT YET STARTED- [not named yet].

The idea behind this was that I already wrote about my adolescence in Bittersweet, but it touched very little on my childhood. This collection could be like somewhat of a prequel. I had originally written here that I wanted to write different individual collections about my relationship with my mother and my relationship with my father respectively. I realize now that this collection can pretty much cover that, as my parents had a huge influence over my childhood, of course. I also want this collection to be larger than Bittersweet. My vision right now is that it'll consist not just of poetry, but also of prose as well, and perhaps even excerpts from my diaries or drawings I did as a kid. It's an ambitious project and I'm not sure where to begin tackling it yet. (added 6/8/2020)

28. a collection of poems based on songs I love. FINISHED - Butterflies with Punctured Wings.

I have one poem I believe written for this already. will see how this goes.

(added 6/8/2020)

(UPDATE: This collection morphed into a recollection of my traumatic first romantic relationship through the lens of Paramore and Hayley Williams songs. Funny how this kind of thing keeps happening! Anyway I'm not sure yet whether I want to submit this one or self-publish. I did make a cover for it already though.)

29. a collection of poems based on movies I love. NOT YET STARTED- [not named yet].

(added 6/8/2020)

(UPDATE: As of 2022 I've written maybe 3 of these poems but they're so vastly unrelated I don't think they're going to end up in a collection together. We'll see.)

I plan to update this as I keep working! Here is a gallery of my finished projects, which I will also update <3.



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