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Rainlily- self published on May 9, 2018.


Things That Will Happen After the End of the World No One Will Be Around to Witness- published by Post Ghost Press on October 23, 2018.


Lady Saturn- published by Rhythm & Bones Press on February 19, 2019.


Honey-Laced Garbage Dreamspublished by Ghost City Press on June 6, 2019.


Bittersweet- published by Vegetarian Alcoholic Press on August 22, 2019.


missed connection- published by Rinky Dink Press on December 9, 2019.


passionfruit- self published on February 15, 2020.


Venus in Bloom- published by Porkbelly Press on May 26, 2020.


penumbra- published by Ghost City Press on July 14, 2020.


PULPpublished by Maverick Duck Press on July 31, 2020.


persephone released on March 9, 2021.


PLANSreleased on March 9, 2021.


MELANCHOLIA- forthcoming from Vegetarian Alcoholic Press in May 2021.


Day Residue - forthcoming in 2021.


Selected Works


"Alaska" and "How to Take Your Lexapro" were published on Spider Mirror on December 15, 2017. NOW DEFUNCT



​"Moon Dog" was published on Dodging the Rain on January 10, 2018.


"Reporting a Two-Year-Old Sexual Assault" was published on Porridge Magazine on January 16, 2018.


"Someday I'll Love Wanda Deglane," "In My Defense," "The Boy from My Dreams, Part 1," and "Leaking" were published on Dodging the Rain on February 1, 2018.


"A Bloodbath & An Aftermath," and "Who Was She Then?" were published on Anti-Heroin Chic on February 5, 2018. (NOW REMOVED)


"Reasons to Live," "Tangerine," "introspective autumn," and "Reporting a Two-Year-Old Sexual Assault" were published on Veronica Lit Mag on February 10, 2018. NOW DEFUNCT


"Nosebleed" and "Phenomenon" were published in issue 10 of Street Light Press on February 10, 2018.​


"Only the Birds Know," "What the Hummingbird Told Me," "How to Fall Asleep, Part 2," and "Woozy," were published on Dodging the Rain on February 14, 2018.


"Lady Saturn" and "I Am My Own Savior" were published in the March issue of The Write Launch on March 3, 2018.


"These Are the Things That Shape Us" was published in the Spring 2018 issue of Rust + Moth​ on March 5, 2018.


"How to Fall Asleep" was published on Little Rose Magazine on March 8, 2018.


"Self-Portrait As Coral Reef" was published on Clementine Unbound on March 20, 2018.


"Should I Ever Find a Genie" and "passenger" have been published in Part One- The Depth of L'Ephemere Review's Beyond the Shallows anthology on April 7, 2018.


"Chocolate & Cherries" and "two corpses" were published in issue 4 of Mystic Blue Review on April 9, 2018.


"How to Take Your Lexapro" was published on Peculiars Magazine on April 24, 2018.


"Vessel" was published by Milk + Beans on April 25, 2018.


"Flowers in Phoenix" was published in issue 3 of Minute Magazine on April 28, 2018.


"Self Portrait as Axolotl" was published on Peculiars Magazine on April 29, 2018.


"Ghost Girl" was published by Inside the Bell Jar on May 4, 2017.


"Nearly There" was published on Peculiars Magazine on May 6, 2018.


"They Tell You It Gets Easier" was published on Amaryllis on May 7, 2018.


"FIGHT/FLIGHT/FREEZE" was published by Milk + Beans on May 9, 2018.


"Nothing and Everything, All At Once," was published in Deracine Magazine's summer volume on May 10, 2018.


"when it rains" was published by Peculiars Magazine on May 13, 2018.


"Out-of-Body" was published by Terse Journal on May 20, 2018.


"Love After the Storm" was published by The Regal Fox on May 22, 2018.


"Goldfish" and "Paranormal" were published by Cacti Fur on May 23, 2018.


"Good Night" was published by The Regal Fox on May 29, 2018.


"With Silk Thread" was published by Dear Damsels on June 8, 2018.


"Love in the Time of Millennial Anxiety" (Part 1) was published in issue 9 of Former Cactus on June 15, 2018.


"Love in the Time of Millennial Anxiety" (Part 2) was published in issue 4 of MoonPark Review on June 21, 2018.


"I Killed A Spider Today" was published in issue 10 of The Cabinet of Heed on June 22, 2018.


"Vessel" and "Self Portrait as Axolotl" were reprinted by Porridge Magazine on June 22, 2018.


"This Ending I Learn to Love" was published by Glass Poetry on July 1, 2018.


"How to Ride a Bike" was published in issue 11 of Riggwelter Press on July 1, 2018.


"Lamentation," "Grapefruit," "To the Boy Who Tried to Save My Soul," and "IN THE DARK WITH A SHOVEL" were published by SOFT CARTEL on July 2, 2018.


"Prayer of the Bittersweet and Slowly Burning" and "June in Phoenix" were published by Bone & Ink Press on July 3, 2018.


"Sunday Night" was published in issue 40 go of Rogue Agent on July 5, 2018.


"Alaska" was reprinted by Rising Phoenix Review on July 6, 2018.


"July" was published by {isacoustic*} on July 26, 2018.


"Body as Stranger, Body as Receptacle" was published by Neologism Poetry Journal on July 31, 2018.


"Beneath the Strawberry Moon" was published in Apofenie's summer volume, The Body, on August 9, 2018.


"Serenade," "Elegant Machines," and "In My Defense" were published in L'Ephemere Review's Jubilee Issue on August 13, 2018.


"Strangled Sun" was published by Awkward Mermaid on August 21, 2018.


"June" and "Bath of Tears" were published by Mojave He[art] Review on September 1, 2018.


"Nothing and Everything, All at Once" was reprinted by Blanket Sea Magazine on September 4, 2018.


"What I Hold Inside My Chest," "Lives I've Lived Before This One," and "Season of Thawing" were published in Vessel Press' First Taste issue on September 14, 2018. NOW DEFUNCT


"After Fear" and "After Pain" were published in Issue 5 of Persephone's Daughters on September 16, 2018.


"Ladylike" was published by Mooky Chick on September 17, 2018.


"August," "Recipe for Self Care," and "Apology for My Brother" were published by Burning House Press on September 18, 2018.


"Season of Sunburn / Season of Stormbrew" was published in The Ginger Collect's seventh issue on September 21, 2018.


"7 Better Endings" was published in the Fall issue of petrichor journal on September 22, 2018.


"Warmer Nights" was published in the September burning of Tiny Flames Press on September 26, 2018.


"Half-Hearted" and "Confessional" were published in Issue 7 of Rabid Oak on September 30, 2018.


"Meditation" was published in Issue 2 (print) of Lucent Dreaming in September, 2018.


"Aubade for a Non-Existent Child" was published in Issue 4 of 8 Poems on October 1, 2018.


"Flower Mouth" was published by Yes Poetry on October 1, 2018.


"Jailbait" and "Sporadic Pieces of Memory" were published by Pulp Poets Press on October 3, 2018.


"The Sun is Yours" and "Interstate" were published in Issue 2 of Rhythm & Bones Lit on October 6, 2018.


"Conversations & Cookies" was published in Issue 2 of Jarfly Magazine on October 8, 2018.


"Where the Hurricanes Can't Reach Us," "Prayer for This Family," and "All of It, Everything" were published in Issue 2 of Anatolios Magazine on October 18, 2018.


""Andromeda," "Drive Drive Drive," "Garden Lungs," and "Pieces of a Dream You Can't Remember" were published in the special Hallow's Eve issue of  Pussy Magic on October 20, 2018.


"There's Something Here" was published in the Handwritten Issue (Issue 2) of Sad Girl Review on October 28, 2018.


"Tooth Decay" and "Storms from Jupiter" were published in the Silent Hill Issue (Issue 4) of Moonchild Magazine on October 31, 2018.


"Lava Lamp" was published by Up the Staircase Quarterly in Issue #43 on October 31, 2018.


"Our Skin Has So Much to Say" was published by Selcouth Station on November 3, 2018.


"Overflow" was published by Selcouth Station on November 7, 2018.


"Unending" was published by Selcouth Station on November 9, 2018.


"Monsoon Season" was published by Bonnie's Crew on November 10, 2018.


"Ode to the Woman who Tried to Destroyed Me," "Grief, and the Holes it Dug in My Organs," and "September" were published in Issue 4 of Sidereal Magazine on December 1, 2018.


"Girls!" was published in The Fruit Tree Magazine's debut HOME issue on December 3, 2018.


"Aubade for a Non Existent Child," and "September" were published Half Mystic Radion December 3, 2018.


"Let There be Love" was published by Bonnie's Crew on December 5, 2018.


"Trauma Recovery Group" was reprinted in the YOU ARE NOT YOUR RAPE Anthology by Rhythm & Bones Lit on December 12, 2018.


"mango popsicle," "A Group of Men is Called a Threat," and "Girl Scout Camp, 2011" were published by Rose Quartz Magazine on December 12, 2018.


"She" and "Giantess" were published by Vamp Cat Magazine on December 13, 2018.


"EVERYTHING I OWN IS COVERED IN YELLOW HAIR" and "in which the poet is diagnosed with IBS" were published by Philosophical Idiot on December 16, 2018.


"Ingrained & Intertwined," "Red-Lipped," "Ode to My First Boyfriend," and "Self Portrait as Coral Reef"​ were published in  Eunoia Review on December 19-21, 2018.


"introspective autumn," "Tangerine," and "Season of Thawing" were reprinted by Defuncted Journal on December 21, 2018.


"Trauma Recovery Group," "Tools for Happiness," and "In August" were published by The Wire's Dream Magazine on December 31, 2018.


"I thank god you are not my daughter," was published in the inaugural issue of Kissing Dynamite on December 31, 2018 and was also the featured poem.




"These Hips, This Hunger" was published in the first issue of  Homology Lit on January 1, 2019.


"October"​ was published in the first issue of Semicolon Lit on January 2, 2019.


"salvia" was published in Issue 3 of Dirty Paws Poetry on January 2, 2019.


"Slowly Becoming" and "Why I Didn't Report"​ were published in Issue One of  Neon Mariposa Magazine on January 7, 2019.


"Apophenia​" was published in Issue Two of Brave Voices Magazine on January 7, 2019.


"Aftermath" was published by Royal Rose Magazine on January 8, 2019.


"City Out of Power After Dust Storm​" was published in Issue 5 of Parentheses Journal on January 20, 2019.


"SLUT​" was published in Issue 14 of Picaroon Poetry on January 20, 2019.


"Lessons You Need to Learn to Survive This Dumpster Fire of a Life" and "Today​" were published in Issue One of Royal Rose Magazine on January 30, 2019.


"December" and "fairy's wings / sweet things" were published in the first issue of Butter Press on February 1, 2019.


"Good Boy" was published by The Elixir Magazine on February 2, 2019.


"messy," "there will always be boys," "finger," and "Letter Formed from Note Fragments" were published by Work to a Calm Zine on February 12, 2019.


"The Girl with No Name," "mind / mouth," "Delicately Misshapen," and "Poem for winter" were published by Marias at Sampaguitas on March 2, 2019.


"Thunderbird" was published by Okay Donkey on March 4, 2019.


"Metamorphosis" was published in the last issue of Rag Queen Periodical on March 14, 2019.


"a little louder this time" was published by PHEMME Zine on March 20, 2019.


"portrait of a girl who bruises easily" was published in Issue Four of Eyeflash Poetry Journal on April 1, 2019.


"salvia," "Apophenia," and "A Group of Men is Called a Threat" were published in Volume 15 of Lux Undergraduate Creative Review on April 18, 2019.


"inhale / exhale" was published in the second issue of The Hellebore on April 29, 2019.


"to-do list" was published by Ghost City Review on May 4, 2019.


"Self Portrait as Bird Flying Into a Window" was published by South Broadway Ghost Society on May 10, 2019.


"the time you tried to fuck me in the bed of your truck" was published in Issue 2: Love and Betrayal of Little Death Lit on May 11, 2019.


"Training Bras" and "Reemergence" were published in Reclaim Anthology on May 17, 2019.


"To the old white lady screaming obscenities at my family in the Walmart checkout line" and "Girls!" were published in Volume 2 of Perfectly Normal on June 1, 2019.


"The Poet's House at 7 AM" was published by Drunk Monkeys on June 3, 2019.


"February" was published by Coalesce Zine on June 22, 2019.


"another whale washes ashore, garbage in his belly" and "iridescent" were published by Metatron Press as a part of their MicroMeta series on Instagram on July 4, 2019.


"Lives I've Lived Before This One" and "What I Hold Inside My Chest" were reprinted in collage format in Issue Five of Moonchild Magazine on July 19, 2019.


"Season of Breaking / Season of Bonechill" was published in Volume 1, Issue 3 of little dog poetry on July 20, 2019.


"honeydew" and "poem for the things that trigger me" were published in Issue One of The Confessionalist Zine on July 20, 2019.


"how to tell a dream from reality" was published by Minute Magazine on July 31, 2019.


"songs my parents used to listen to when they were still in love." was published by Memoir Mixtapes on August 9, 2019.


"we're all sad here" was published by peculiars magazine on September 10, 2019.


"dung beetle" was published by The Hunger Journal on September 15, 2019.


"banana slug," "persephone," "June (reprise)," "emergency break," and "mountain dew" were published in Issue 4 of Crepe & Penn on October 31, 2019.


"Creation Story" was published by Crabfat Magazine on November 10, 2019.


"electric fingers" was published in Issue Six: LOVE from Rhythm & Bones Press on November 24, 2019.


"starfruit" was published in Issue 4: CRUSH of Sad Girl Review on December 1, 2019.


"miracle drug" was published in Issue Two: anatomy of a melancholia in print from peculiars magazine on December 10, 2019.


"baby teeth" was published in Issue Two of mutiny! magazine on December 14, 2019.




"study on grief" was published in Issue 2.2 of What Are Birds Journal  on March 15, 2020.


"personality quiz" was published by Terse Journal on April 13, 2020.


"self portrait covered in molasses" was published by giallo lit on September 10, 2020. 


"last night…" was published by blood orange lit on November 21, 2020.


"portrait of a daughter" is forthcoming from Cosmonauts Avenue.


Poet Showcase on Katie Lewington's blog- June 12, 2018.


Interview from Porridge Magazine- August 28, 2018.


Interview from The Ginger Collect's Issue 7 - September 22, 2018.


"Aubade for a Non Existent Child" was featured in Bailey Cohen's Exceptional Poetry from Around the Web on Frontier Poetry- October 17, 2018.


Writer of the Week on Maudlin House- December 17, 2018


"Moon Dog" was nominated for Best of the Net by Dodging the Rain- August 17, 2018.


"These Are the Things That Shape Us" was nominated for Best of the Net by Rust + Moth- September 25, 2018.


"Interstate" was nominated for the Pushcart Prize by Rhythm & Bones- November 9, 2018.


"Grief, and the Holes it Dug in My Organs" was nominated for the Pushcart Prize by Sidereal Magazine- January 5, 2019.


"Tooth Decay" was nominated for Best of the Net by Moonchild Magazine - September 7, 2019.


"Body as Stranger / Body as Receptacle" was nominated for Best of the Net by Neologism - September 8, 2019.


"7 Better Endings" was nominated for Best of the Net by petrichor mag- September 2, 2019.


"Grief, and the Holes it Dug in My Organs" was nominated for Best of the Net by Sidereal Magazine - October 8, 2019.


"songs my parents used to listen to when they were still in love" was nominated for Best of the Net by Memoir Mixtapes - 2020. 

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